Weight comparison between E-Xtension and manual adjustable downhaul
Even from the beginning of windsurf era, sail designers were aware of the solution that twist offers. Of course manual adjustable downhauls existed already for a very long time. However they take a lot of time to prepare on the beach and are difficult to put on your mast and sail. At the same time a manual adjustable downhaul will reduce the lift at the bottom at the leeward site of your sail due to all the ropes, wires and pulleys. The extra weight of the manual adjustable downhaul is between 300 gram in dry conditions and
400 – 500 gram in wet conditions.
The extra weight of the inner tube of the TRIPLE D E-Xtension is just about 500 gr. So the extra weight of E-Xtension is about the same as manual adjustable downhaul, however without airflow disturbance at neither leeward site nor the hassle with extra ropes, wires and pulleys